
Cloudmon Probe monitors IP network endpoints, and devices in the network like routers, switches, servers and hosts supporting SNMP and periodically pushes the metrics to Cloudmon controller.

It collects network statistics of endpoints, such as Jitter, Latency, loss and also traces the path to the endpoint.

The below figure depicts a sample Cloudmon deployment showing Cloudmon Controller, Probes and Agents. Cloudmon Agents typically reside on reside on servers and hosts to provide compute and system related metrics. Cloudmon Probes are strategically located to provide network monitoring telemetry.


Getting Started

This section covers the installation procedure for the Cloudmon Probe and its configuration. The Probe can be installed on Linux Hosts or Virtual machines with one-line install option. Upon successful installation of the probe, it can be added to Cloudmon controller from the web interface, where you can analyse your monitoring and performance data.

Veryx recommends you update Cloudmon Probe with every minor and patch release, or, at a minimum, monthly. Upgrading to a major Cloudmon Probe version and keeping it updated is the only supported way to get the latest Probe functionality and fixes. The Cloudmon Probe may have frequent update releases, though, and managing updates at enterprise scale could be challenging. That doesn't mean you should wait for major releases before updating. The right update cadence for your organization depends on your infrastructure and your configuration management practices, but aim for monthly.

To update the Cloudmon Probe between two minor versions on a given host, run the corresponding install command. Cloudmon Probe release numbering follows SemVer rules.

System Requirements

Cloudmon Probe is pre-installed with Cloudmon All-in-One installation. For scalability and for the purpose of monitoring your endpoints from multiple locations, you can install, multiple probes and add it to Cloudmon controller.

We recommend that you run your Cloudmon Probe directly on IntelĀ® i7 or equivalent hardware or in a properly configured virtual environment with CentOS 7.7

Devices CPU cores RAM Disk Space* Additional interfaces
Up to 50 2 1 GB 20GB Not required
Up to 500 2 2 GB 20GB Dedicated DPDK supported 1G or 10G interface
Up to 1000 4 6 GB 20GB Dedicated DPDK supported 1G or 10G interface
>1000 We recommend that you set up additional Cloudmon Probes contact the Veryx support team for more information on scaling.

Note: * A probe system does not have any special disk requirements (< 1 GB). In general, we recommend at least 8 GB.


Probe collects data from various sources and pushes to the Controller.

Note: The probe installation does not apply for Cloudmon Basic edition. Upgrade your Cloudmon Controller to Standard or Pro edition to setup additional probes.

  • Cloudmon Probe installation on Linux machine, one-step installation.
  • Run this command with elevated privileges on CentOS 7.7 server.
  • This will add the Cloudmon repository for the Cloudmon Probe and install Cloudmon Probe.
  • This will also automatically start the Cloudmon Probe after the installation.
  • The installation log has been stored at /var/log/probeinstall.log for understanding also the error will be displayed in the STDOUT/terminal.
  • Log files are located in /usr/local/cloudmon/vProbe/logs/.
  • Configuration files are located in /root/Veryx/vProbe/.


The probe automatically discovers the IP address and route information of the system and are updated in the file /root/Veryx/vProbe/setup.cfg.

General Configuration

  • Login into Cloudmon Controller as Administrator.
  • Navigate to Settings>Monitoring>Probes.
  • To add your probe to the controller, click on New, configure the probe details then save the configuration.

Network Devices

  • Login into Cloudmon Controller as Administrator.
  • Navigate to Settings>Monitoring>Probes.
  • To add network devices,
    • click on edit icon of the probe configured.
    • navigate to Network Devices tab.
    • click on New, configure the network device details then save the configuration.

IP Endpoints

  • Login into Cloudmon Controller as Administrator.
  • Navigate to Settings>Monitoring>Probes.
  • To add IP Endpoints,
    • click on edit icon of the probe configured.
    • navigate to IP Endpoints tab.
    • click on New, configure the ip endpoint details then save the configuration.


The metrics collected by cloudmon-probe is given below

Network devices

# Metric Description Unit Example
1 timestamp Timestamp when the statistics was recorded seconds 1640190227
2 uuid Device uuid string ec20a4b2-093d-a2d5-f8cc-c6852433c830
3 version Cloudmon collector version string 1.7.0-2
4 hostname Network device name string cisco-switch
5 boottime Device's last boottime string 1625489595
6 ip Device ip address string
7 type Device type string Switch
8 vendor vendor string Cisco
9 cpu.load CPU load average % 51.6
10 mem.usage Total memory usage % 41.56
11 mem.buffcache Memory buffcache B 1564131328
12 mem.swap Memory swap B 1310720
13 fs.name File system name string /dev/mapper/root
14 fs.usage File system usage % 39.52
15 iface.name Interface name string enp5s5f0
16 iface.speed Interface current speed bps 1000000000
17 iface.operstate Operational status of the interface string up
18 iface.mtu Maximum transmission unit of the interface bytes 1500
19 iface.type Type of the interface string wired
20 iface.tx_bytes Number of bytes transmitted by the interface B 12185.74
21 iface.rx_bytes Number of bytes received by the interface B 15222.91
22 iface.tx_bps Number of bits transmitted by the interface per second bps 12085.74
23 iface.rx_bps Number of bits received by the interface per second bps 1522.91
24 iface.tx_discards Number of packets discarded by the transmitted interface count 0
25 iface.rx_discards Number of packets discarded by the received interface count 5356
26 iface.tx_errors Number of errors at the transmitting interface count 0
27 iface.rx_errors Number of errors at receiving interface count 5356
28 iface.tx_unicast Number of unicast packets transmitted by the interface count 1802.45
29 iface.rx_unicast Number of unicast packets received by the interface count 233.56
30 iface.tx_multicast Number of multicast packets transmitted by the interface count 1598.34
31 iface.rx_multicast Number of multicast packets received by the interface count 1255.77
32 iface.tx_broadcast Number of broadcast packets transmitted by the interface count 0
33 iface.rx_broadcast Number of broadcast packets received by the interface count 0
34 process.id ID of the process integer 1
35 process.name Name of the process string snmpd
36 process.path Running path of the process string /usr/sbin
37 process.started start time of the process seconds 1639551133
38 process.params Process params string /usr/sbin/snmpd -N
39 process.state state of the process string sleeping
40 process.cpu CPU utilized by the process % 3.4
41 process.mem Memory utilized by the process % 15.66

Hosts & Servers

# Metric Description Unit Example
1 timestamp Timestamp when the statistics was recorded seconds 1640190227
2 uuid Device uuid string ec20a4b2-093d-a2d5-f8cc-c6852433c830
3 version Cloudmon Probe version string 1.7.0-2
4 hostname Device name string localhost.localdomain
5 boottime Device's last boottime string 1625489595
6 location Device location string Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
7 ip Device ip address string
8 type Device type string Virtual Machine
9 network Network ip address string
10 mon_type Device monitoring type string agent
11 vendor vendor string Xen
12 system.model system model string HVM domU
13 system.version system version string 4.2.amazon
14 system.serial system serial number string ec20a4b2-093d-a2d5-f8cc-c6852433c830
15 os.arch Operating system processor string x86
16 os.codename Name of operating system, while it's in development string core
17 os.kernel Kernel is the central component of an os manages operations of system and hardware string 3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64
18 os.distro Distribution of operating system string Windows 10 Pro Edition
19 os.platform Platform of operating system string linux
20 os.release OS version string 7.6
21 cpu.load CPU load average % 51.6
22 cpu.user Time spent in running un-niced user processes % 37.98
23 cpu.sys Time spent in running kernel processes % 13.64
24 cpu.nice Time spent in running niced user processes % 0
25 cpu.idle Time spent in the kernel idle handler % 48.39
26 cpu.irq CPU interrupts % 0.01
27 cpu.temp CPU temperature % 30
28 mem.usage Total memory usage % 41.56
29 mem.buffcache Memory buffcache B 1564131328
30 mem.swap Memory swap B 1310720
31 fs.name File system name string /dev/mapper/centos-root
32 fs.usage File system usage % 39.52
33 fs.rbps Rate at which filesystem read operation is done bps 13540.23
34 fs.wpbs Rate at which filesystem write operation is done bps 115540.69
35 disk.rops Number of disk read requests per second Requests per sec 3.12
36 disk.wops Number of disk write requests per second Requests per sec 5.23
37 iface.name Interface name string enp5s5f0
38 iface.speed Interface current speed bps 1000000000
39 iface.operstate Operational status of the interface string up
40 iface.tx_bps Number of bits transmitted by the interface per second bps 12085.74
41 iface.rx_bps Number of bits received by the interface per second bps 1522.91
42 iface.tx_discards Number of packets discarded by the transmitted interface string 0
43 iface.rx_discards Number of packets discarded by the received interface string 5356
44 iface.tx_errors Number of errors at the transmitting interface string 0
45 iface.rx_errors Number of errors at receiving interface string 5356
46 process.id Id of the process string 1
47 process.name Name of the process string mongod
48 process.ppid Parent id of the process string 8932
49 process.path Running path of the process string /usr/bin
50 process.started start time of the process seconds 1639551133
51 process.params Process params string -f /etc/mongod.conf
52 process.command Command of the process string mongod
53 process.state state of the process string sleeping
54 process.cpu CPU utilized by the process % 3.4
55 process.mem Memory utilized by the process % 15.66
56 properties.location Type of virtual host string Veryx Lab

Performance monitoring metrics:

cloudmon-agent metrics

IP Endpoints

Probe is the agent for availability monitoring. It actively monitoring for network link availability statistics of Ip endpoint and pushes them to Cloudmon Collector. Probe uses ICMP for active monitoring of network link availability. The default minimum monitoring interval supported by Probe is 5 mins.

Probe collects the following metrics

# Metric Description Unit Example
1 timestamp Timestamp when the statistics was recorded seconds 1640190227
2 mon_id Monitoring ID for monitoring the asset link string 1
3 latency Latency faced by the asset link ms 124.29
4 jitter Jitter faced by the asset link ms 3.2
5 loss Loss faced by the asset link % 0

Availability monitoring metrics:

cloudmon-probe metrics


To access the frequently asked questions, please click on the following link FAQ


See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved or updated in the latest versions.

Version 1.7 (1 Jan, 2022)

  • Added Auto upgrade support
  • Added Support for IPv6 Endpoints
  • Added Support for using TCP packets for latency measurement and netpath

Version 1.6(6 Jul, 2021)

  • Added Support to fetch apps and processes for servers
  • Updated Updated additional process information

Version 1.4 (20 May, 2021)

  • Added min/max/avg values added for latency and jitter
  • Fixed Failed to fetch node data when v1 and v2 credentials are swapped
  • Fixed Incorrect category for network devices using snmp
  • Fixed Do not show cpu as 0 for unsupported vendors

Version 1.2 (28 Apr, 2021)

  • AddedSupport for software upgrade
  • Fixed Few missing datapoints of availability statistics
  • Updated Improved error messages in log

Version 1.1 (22 Mar, 2021)

  • Added Monitoring specific metrics
  • Added Errored status added for snap device
  • Added High frequency polling added
  • Fixed Host ip of snap device is always undefined
  • Fixed Handle error when no default gateway is configured
  • Updated Validate and sanitinize request

Version 1.0 (3 Mar, 2021)

Initial Release